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CF Month in Review: January

Hello friends, Happy February! A few weeks back I shared a post where I stated my goals for 2018. One of my goals is to submit flash fiction and short story pieces at least once a month to contests or to seek publication. Here is how my first month of the year went! *cartwheel*

Okay, technically I began this little challenge a bit early, as one of the deadlines for submission was December 31. BUT I’m including it because judging would conclude in January. My flash fiction piece, Serpent Quest, was submitted to the Untold Podcast website for the Good Snakes flash fiction contest. And guess what? I’m a finalist in the contest! (Whaaat?) Yep! Beginning this month, they will be posting each of the five finalist stories on the website and at the end of the month they will open it for public voting. So be on the lookout soon for my post requesting (read that: begging) you all to go and vote for my piece! *Yippee* Submission #1: Success!

Next was an easy one: I had a writer friend who runs a column for a local newspaper approach me and ask me to write a short memoir piece for the section. Long story short, he liked it, it was accepted, and it prints this month! *Squeal* Submission #2: Success!

Finally, I also entered a flash fiction contest through Endless Press to win a fully paid scholarship to the Realm Makers conference in July! I knew the competition for this would be tough, since there are over 1000 people on the RM Consortium on Facebook and the price of admission to the conference is worth some serious bucks. But I gave it my best shot and am happy to report that I lost the contest to a friend of mine! So, it was still sort of a win-win, since I can totally be happy for her. *Wink* Submission #3: Not so much, but not a total heartbreak since I can rejoice with a friend! 

Also, I had the opportunity to write 5 devotional pieces for my church this month. I was delighted to have the chance to write them! My goal is to continue writing devotions and submitting those, as well.

Having said that, I did find out another publisher requested one of my manuscripts from my agent, so we’ll see how that turns out. Otherwise, I’ve already got multiple ideas of places to submit for February, so keep your fingers crossed for me, please! I’m having a blast finding places to submit and am excited to have the opportunity to get my work out there. Meanwhile, I continue to work on my current manuscript, KEEN, which is going well, too.

That’s all, friends. Stay tuned for that link to my flash fiction piece and where to vote at the end of the month! *Throws confetti*



Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

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