What’s a Coffee Shop Chat?
There are a ton of writers out there in Blog-Land, and sometimes it’s just hard to connect. We are so focused on writing our next blogpost/ working/ schooling/ dealing with family stuff – we forget how much fun it can be to just sit and talk!
Coffee Shop Chats are one way you can connected with other writers, readers, bloggers, whoever! It’s a time to just share, laugh and drink a cup of coffee (or two.) You can share exciting events from the week, the latest book that’s inspired you, a great movie you’d like to recommend, or even share prayer requests. All the things you would share if we were sitting in a coffee shop together, spending an hour away from the cares of the world.
You can post whatever, whenever you like! Don’t forget to add your ‘link-up’ to the bottom of the original post on my friend Tessa’s blog (listed above). That way we can all find one another and can respond to one another’s blog posts. Click here to go directly to her blog and scroll down to see the Guidelines section and the How to Post section, once you’re ready to participate! Don’t forget to comment on other bloggers posts first (mine counts!) and to answer and include CONVO STARTERS!
Ready? Ok, let’s get together!
3 Awesome Things that happened this week:
My husband got a job!!! If you’ve been following our Big Fat Hawaiian Adventure, you will know that on Memorial Day weekend, we picked up stakes and moved across the country to Phoenix, AZ (a.k.a. Land of cacti and scorpions.) After five weeks of being job-free, my husband was offered a position at Alliance Residential Company. Woo-hoo! No more living out of suitcases!
I submitted a devotional for Christian Devotions .com and it was accepted for publication within 3 hours. That’s fast!
It was my birthday!! We had a great time bouncing around town on Monday celebrating with donuts, gelato’s and Starbucks, of course!
Currently Loving:
Operation Awesome has a bi-monthly Flash Fiction Writing contest (posted the 2nd & 4th Fridays of each month.) Each contest is prompted with a Subject and Word count. Such fun to meet the challenge and get to read what others have written! I encourage you to participate!
Frost. This is the name of an authentic Italian Gelato shop that started in Tuscon and has since moved up to Phoenix. The gelato’s are to die for! You should buy a plane ticket and fly out just to taste it. It is that worth it.
Shade. Yes, you read that right. Good old fashioned shade. This is the desert, people. In July. The desert in July. Temps of 120 degrees aren’t anything to roll your eyes at. This is serious business and I honestly can’t wait until winter! (Never in a thousand years thought I’d ever say that!)
Books I’ve Read:
It’s been a busy summer with our move across the country, but I’ve still managed to get a little reading done. Here are the few I’ve squeezed in. Want to know what I thought? Friend me on Goodreads! I’d love to connect!
Super cute MG fantasy novel. You should read it!
Don’t miss my review of this YA fantasy novel. Hint: It got 5 stars!
Fantastic MG fantasy novel that is MUCH better than the movie version. Read it.
This is my current read-in-progress. And I’m LOVING it!! I foresee a 5-star rating already. 😉 Nevermind that I know the author – nothing can beat great writing, which is exactly what this book is about! I (already) recommend it.
Movies I’ve enjoyed:
LOVED this movie!! Yes, Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite novels. Yes, I’ve read Seth Grahame-Smith’s version of the above title and loved it. And yes, it features Dr. Who’s Matt Smith – who I might add may have been my favorite part of the entire film! But this movie stands alone, when it comes to storyline and quality. Highly recommended!
Ok, who hasn’t seen this movie yet? We grabbed the kiddos and took them to see this opening weekend (always a joy to fight the crowds, but hey, we had nothing else to do!) There are no other words to describe this than the final word of the movie. Did you catch it? You’ll have to go back and re-watch to get what I mean! 😉
Ok, so technically this was before Memorial Day. Does this count as summer? Well, it does for me. Hands down, one of my favorite of the Marvel Universe movies. Loved, loved, loved it. Go see it.
What I’ve Binge Watched:
Don’t judge. We hadn’t seen the final season of this yet, ok? Back in PA we didn’t have any TV reception – no, not even regular channels! And I wanted to wait until the whole season was out on Amazon so we could watch it all at once. It’s done now. And life can go on.
It started when Dr. Who came to Netflix and has continued now that it’s on Amazon Prime. We just can’t stop watching it. And no, I haven’t decided which of the doctor’s is my favorite. David and Matt will just have to settle for a tie. Sorry, guys. I love you that much.
Drinks I’ve enjoyed:
My everyday Go-To will always be my Grande Iced Coffee Non-fat milk and 3 pumps vanilla. Yes, I’m a nerd.
Starbucks S’mores Frappuccino
Starbucks Double Chocolate Fudge Frappuccino
Frost Iced Hot Chocolate S’mores Shake
Pictures Taken:
We arrived in the desert! Memorial Day was our big move date from the east coast to AZ to start a new chapter in our lives!
First thing we found was the library, of course! What else do you do during the summer besides read, right?
Well, I guess swimming might be part of what you could do. Just sayin’.
Each of our temporary homes have been small. My daily escape to Starbucks helps me get lots written! And sometimes the girlies tag along for the ride.
The local parks are a Must-Have for time off from school – this one includes a Splash Pad and Climbing ropes. All free! (Ok. Technically I didn’t take this pic. My daughter did. I’m afraid of heights 🙂 )
It wouldn’t be the desert if there weren’t critters! This was the very first scorpion we ever saw. Good times.
My birthday was one I will certainly never forget. If you’d told me on Memorial Day that we still wouldn’t have a permanent home by the time I turned 42, I’d have laughed. Not so much now. Maybe we’ll have a home by the time school starts???
Prayer Requests:
Please pray that we find the right home and can move in before July 30th! This week we’ve spent everyday/all day visiting apartment complexes and driving all over Phoenix. We’re tired and just want our own home where we can get our stuff out of storage!
Tim has experienced some less-than-fun health issues since we’ve been here. Including a kidney stone (which has taken him to the ER twice and Urgent Care once.) Please pray that the stress of all this junk will not take it’s toll physically.
The girls still struggle with missing their friends and finding new ones here. Please pray that they can find joy and happiness in this new leg of life.
A PRAISE!! Thank Jesus that Tim was offered a job with Alliance Residential Company. We’re hoping he starts next week sometime.
What is your favorite summer activity?
Describe your most memorable vacation story.
The title of the book that most reminds you of summer?
What is your favorite summer drink?
When was the last time you dove into a Slip N Slide?
Happy reading, friends!