So, I just looked and saw the date of my last post on my blog. *blush, blush* Has it really been that long? Is it any consolation that I’ve been using my time writing and editing? Oh yeah, and throwing birthday parties, playing in the snow and getting back into the groove of school. (Isn’t Christmas break the best?)
Having said that, I’m here to say I have not forgotten my New Years declaration of having a giveaway each month! I’ve just been building the anticipation! Check back in the next few days to enter to win this month’s exciting prize!
Other than that, I’m happy to say I’ve finished my last revision on my book and it is now happily in the hands of beta readers who (I hope) are devouring it this very minute! And you know what that means? I’m one step closer to having it available for purchase later this year! (Hopefully, not too much later 😉 )
Interested in being a beta reader for me? Feel free to shoot me a message so we can talk details. I’m always looking to expand my list of readers and their valuable feedback!
Happy reading, friends!!
P.S. This is my 100th Blog Post! Celebrate by reading a good book! 😉