Laura L. Zimmerman lives in a tiny rural town in south central Pennsylvania with her husband, daughters, and four adorable kitties. Besides writing, she is passionate about loving Jesus, singing loudly, and pretending to do yoga.
She’s an avid coffee and tea drinker, enjoys learning ASL, and is a sucker for anything Jane Austen related. Thanks to a certain boy-wizard, she may or may not be convinced she’s the long-lost twin of Luna Lovegood. Laura has been married to her Mr. Darcy for 23 years.
She loves to read and write YA sci-fi and fantasy and middle grade mystery. Her favorite tropes are enemies-to-lovers and grumpy/sunshine.
Drop her a line, leave a review of her work (please!) and tell your friends about her. She’d love to infect one more person on this planet with the love of getting lost in a good book!
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”