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Available 11/19/24

About the Book:

Life as a teenage banshee is hard enough without having to save the world.


After reuniting with a lost loved one and escaping the Unseelie Realm, Caoine is finally back in the Mortal Realm where she belongs. The problem is she left the Unseelie prince jailed in the land of Faerie—and without his help, there's no way she can thwart the Unseelie king's plan to annihilate humankind.


Tasked with gathering together the Bunaidh—the original fae who inhabited the Faerie Realms at the beginning of time—Caoine faces some serious opposition: giants that live in the clouds, mermaids with magical songs, and the silence—dangerous faeries that leave chaos in their wake. And then there's the matter of finding a way to save herself and her dad from a sickness that's eating away at their sanity.


Destruction has already been released in the Mortal Realm and it’s only a matter of time before the human race goes extinct.


But ending the apocalypse has to be easier than surviving high school, right?

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