Hello friends! Welcome to another week of Caffeinated Convo! This week’s question:
What are you binge-watching?
There are so many options for watching new (and quite old) seasons of television shows. And now that Netflix, iTunes and Amazon have joined in the fun of creating exclusive shows just for their subscribers, it makes it hard to walk away from that boob-tube, eh? What shows have caught your interest, anyway?
Currently, I’m re-watching the entire Downton Abbey series, along with my teenaged daughter, who had been too young to watch it when it was first released. I must say, watching all the episodes one after another (and sort of squished together!) does make the experience quite different. I remember at the time that some storylines felt like they took forever to come to completion, but now I realize they really only flowed over 2 or 3 episodes.
What about you? What is your current obsession you’d like to suggest? Have you re-watched a series you’d already seen before? How was the experience different when watched back-to-back, as opposed to having to wait weeks/months in between episodes and seasons? Feel free to talk, friends! I’d love to hear from you!
Photo credit Unsplash by Korney Violin