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  • Writer's pictureLaura L. Zimmerman

Caffeinated Speculation: Stranger Things 2 Trailer

Here we go! Surprise #2 for the week!! Yay!

Again, the month of February is full of new things, including this weekly column! I’ve been thinking on what I can contribute weekly to the site and realized I’d love to talk about my favorite thing: Anything Fantasy or Sci-Fi related! So, each Thursday I will be talking about all things Speculative–books, movies, TV shows, trailers–whatever peeks my interest! If you’ve ever been cornered by me while I’ve talked about my love of Star Wars, then you’ll know how much I love to talk! *insert cheesy smile*

Feel free to leave comments about the weekly post. Or give a suggestion, if you’re wondering what my thoughts are on a particular topic! I’d love to hear from you!

This week’s topic: The Stranger Things Season 2 Trailer!


Some people watch the Superbowl for, well, the football. (Duh!) Many watch it for the commercials. (Way more fun, in my opinion.) But my family? We watched it just for the Stranger Things Season 2 trailer! Yep! You heard that right. And it didn’t disappoint! (If you haven’t seen it yet, find it here.) 

Okay, let’s talk…

First off, let me just say how much I loved that intro! As soon as I saw the vintage Eggo commercial, I screamed to everyone in my family that ‘This was it!’ and flapped my hands to get everyone quiet. (Because that totally works, right?)

And Mike screaming Eleven’s name? Made my heart leap! (I’d heard rumors that she might not be in the next season. Bleh, rumors!) It was lovely to see her (and with hair!) Yay! We love you, El. *heart*


Next, can I say how I screamed when I saw those boys in the Ghostbusters costumes? Ack! How incredible will those 4 be in that get-up? Oh my heart–love those sweet boys!


Then there’s the scary-scary drawing/door-opening-to-reveal-nasty-worst-nightmare-ever-monster-outside scene. Eek! My teenaged D&D-loving-daughter pointed out that the monster could be the Thessalhydra, which was the D&D character the boys were playing with in season 1. Makes sense. And is clearly crazy scary, which will make Season 2 awesome! Woot!


And finally, we learn that it will be coming out at Halloween. Wait, what? Halloween?! We have to wait how long? The previous season came out over the summer, so I’d really set my heart on another summer release. Bummer. Buuuut, I guess this series is fantastic enough to wait a few extra months. Right? *Wink* (Side note: I’ve seen chatter online that the season might be named Halloween, and it could possibly come out sooner. Which will be perfectly fine with me!)


What are your thoughts? Did you catch the trailer during the big game? Are you as excited as my family is about it? Feel free to leave a comment below!

P.S. Haven’t seen season 1 yet? Go! Run! Watch it now on Netflix! You will thank me later. *wink* Yes. It’s really that good.

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