Wow. Have I been living under a rock or something? How on earth did I miss the news that Robin Wright has a role in the upcoming “Wonder Woman” movie?
Yes friends, our beloved Buttercup–constantly in need of saving from things like and evil Prince Humperdinck’s, from the every-handsome Westley–has gone all Hulk on us and is ready to take the world down with her supernatural powers as Aunt Antiope! Eep! (See article here.)
I will admit, “The Princess Bride” has been–and always will be–one of my most favorite movies of all time. And although I prefer to think of Robin Wright as the precious Buttercup (sorry Jenny from “Forest Gump”–I gravitate toward the non-drug addicted fairytale character), I am sort of excited to see the new “Wonder Woman” movie, if only to see a super-buff, crazy kick-a** kind of Robin! Woo hoo!
So, who will be in the theater with me on release day for this baby? I can’t wait to see our very first female-warrior, stand-alone superhero movie! (Girls rock! *wink wink*) And I definitely can’t wait to see Robin flex those muscles!
Photo credit Empire Magazine (Holy Smokes! Look at those guns!!)