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Writer's pictureLaura L. Zimmerman

Those Three Dreaded Words…

Have you uttered them yet? Those three dreaded words that somehow define (or at least overshadow?) the start of every year?

New Year’s Resolution

Ack! No! It burns! It burns! Make it go away! *Runs to cower in the corner until January is over*

It’s like the scariest horror movie ever, amiright?

Okay, fine. Maybe they’re not so bad. I may have heard of a few people who’ve stuck to their guns and actually accomplished what they set out to do. (Oh wait…were those just urban legends? Oops.) Either way, I am firmly against them. *Stands tall with a stiff upper lip* They never work and usually end up causing nothing but guilt.

Except that I sort of already have guilt. A lot of it, actually. *Gulp*

If you haven’t been paying attention, I decided to go easy on my blog for the month of December, seeing that I’d come right off NaNoWriMo and that it was the month of ‘big holidays’ and all, right? Right. Except that maybe it wasn’t so much as a break as just flat out procrastination.

I’ll blog tomorrow, I’d say. And then a week would pass. They’re not expecting anything, I’d tell myself. Except that I saw plenty of posts from other bloggers who weren’t spending all their blogging time binge-watching Gilmore Girls. (Totally worth it, BTW. Coffee! *Sigh*)

Ugh. Massive ‘loser complex’ has set in, and all over the fact that I’ve neglected my poor little CF world. I mean, I didn’t even blog to tell you I had not one but two guests posts on other blogs! How lame is that?! Sorry guys!! 

Sooo…to join the masses around the world who have declared to make a change this year–and those who, sadly, have already given up, since we’re already on day 5!–I have set my NYR! I aim to post much more often for the year of 2017! Yippee!! *Party banners wave, confetti rains down*

Wasn’t that sort of what you said on your blog last year around this time? Shhh! Don’t point it out to everyone. Geez!

Oh. Okay, but aren’t we already into January and this is your first post of the year? Shut it! I’m working on it! This might take some time. But I’m fully committed. Seriously. I’ve got my Girl Scout fingers raised and everything.

All right. Hopefully I’ve got you at least laughing at my dilema, but I will say, I’m mostly serious about doing this. Mostly. For the most part. Ack…let me keep working on that motivation.

In the meantime, I’d love some encouragement! When I reached out to others and asked for some during NaNo, I got lots and lots and lots and it totally helped me achieve my goal! Woohoo! So, if you have any words of wisdom, or just want to help by checking in every once in a while and yelling at me to blog more, I’ll take it!

What about you? Did you whisper those three little words? What is your resolution and how’s it going so far? Feel free to comment below! I’d love to dialogue with you!!

Happy writing, friends!


Photo credit Unsplash by Annie Spratt

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