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  • Writer's pictureLaura L. Zimmerman

12 Days of Giveaways – Day 10

Only 3 days left to win prizes! Where has the time gone?? Congrats to yesterday’s winners of doTerra Essential Oils – Erica, Erin and Jen B. So happy for you! 😉

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Now on to Day 10 of Caffeinated Fiction’s ’12 Days of Giveaways’. I can’t stress just how excited I am to tell you about today’s awesome giveaway item! This was a book I read this past summer and I can honestly say, it was one of my favorites of 2014! 

A signed copy of YA novel, ‘Drowned’ by Nichola Reilly!!

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Oh my goodness I can’t tell you how much I love this book! If you are a fan of YA, dystopian, and all that jazz, this is the book for you. Enter. As many times as you can! And the best part? This is only the first book in the series – Yay. I happen to know that a prequel and sequel will be coming out in 2015, and Cyn Balog (writing as Nichola Reilly) is already working hard on the last book of the series. Fantastic news for us fans! 😉 This book is jumping to the top of my ‘Favorite Series’ of books, as soon as the next one is out! 

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Isn’t that picture gorgeous? Love.

Ok, I’ll shut up now and get to business:

Synopsis: Coe is one of the few remaining teenagers on the island of Tides. Deformed and weak, she is constantly reminded that in a world where dry land dwindles at every high tide, she is not welcome. The only bright spot in her harsh and difficult life is the strong, capable Tiam—but love has long ago been forgotten by her society. The only priority is survival. Until the day their King falls ill, leaving no male heir to take his place. Unrest grows, and for reasons Coe cannot comprehend, she is invited into the privileged circle of royal aides. She soon learns that the dying royal is keeping a secret that will change their world forever. Is there an escape from the horrific nightmare that their island home has become? Coe must race to find the answers and save the people she cares about, before their world and everything they know is lost to the waters.

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Short Bio: Cyn Balog is the author of the young adult paranormal novels FAIRY TALE, SLEEPLESS, STARSTRUCK, TOUCHED, and DEAD RIVER. Nichola Reilly is her post-apocalyptic fantasy-writing alter-ego. She lives outside Allentown, Pennsylvania with her husband and daughters. Visit her online at and like her Facebook page here.

I would highly recommend clicking on that little red button above, so you can see the brand new cover release for the prequel! I’m telling you, I had heart palpitations when I saw it. 🙂 Can’t wait! Thank you, Cyn, for graciously donating this amazing story and making a very happy reader! 

Ok, ready to get as hooked as I am? Enter now! Simply click on the red link below to enter this contest! Next click on the box you want to enter (ex. ‘1 Free Entry’), then the check marked box.The box you’re in should grey out, telling you that your entry for that box is complete! You can earn up to 10 entries today!

You can earn additional entries by sharing on social media! Don’t forget to leave a comment on this post and follow this blog to receive more entries! And feel free to copy the link and share on Facebook – I will personally enter you three more times if you do a FB share! 🙂 (Message me so I don’t miss your share.)

Hope you enjoy this contest!

**This contest is now over – congrats to Stephanie Y. for winning this fantastic prize! 

The fine print, blah, blah, blah: Contest ends Monday, December 22nd 11:59pm. Winner will be notified via email. Winner must claim prize w/in 48 hours of notification. Caffeinated Fiction is not responsible for lost or damaged prizes. Prizes cannot be swapped out. This contest is for U.S. residents only. 

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