Whaaattt? Doth my eyes deceive me? Nay, I say not. This. Is. For. Real. People! Our beloved Psych is returning to TV! *runs around in circles squealing*
If you’ve been under a rock for the last few days–or if you’ve given up Facebook and have missed the gagillion shares on everyone’s newsfeed–then you may not have heard the exciting news! Gus and Shawn are coming back, y’all! Okay, it’s just a single reunion episode but hey, it’s pretty much the best Christmas present I could’ve asked for! *gush, gush* And yes, Lassie, Jules, Shawn’s dad (because who really calls him Henry?), and Chief Vick are all set to return, as well! Eee!!!
According to this post, here’s the official tagline for the show: “The ambitious friends — along with some returning fan-favorite characters — come together during the holidays after a mystery assailant targets one of their own. A comedic thrill ride follows, as the wild and unpredictable Psych team pursues the bad guys, justice …and food!”
So…will you be settled in front of the TV in their PJ’s with hot chocolate in hand on release night? Or will you be the one to throw an all-out Psych-party for your family and friends? Leave a comment below on how you plan to celebrate this momentous occasion!! *sigh*

Photo credit USA Network