Today I wanted to explore my Top Ten Favorite Middle Grade Books. Except that I had more than ten. *Sigh* #bookloverproblems
Soooo, to narrow things down, I lumped together a few of the most popular books that made my list. I mean, let’s be honest, there are just a few that will always-and-forever-and-ever-and-ever be on every Favorite Book list. But I didn’t feel right leaving them off, either, since they’re my favs and all.
Without further ado, here is my list of Favorite Middle Grade books (in no particular order!) with one very big number 10! Happy reading, friends!
1. Percy Jackson Series. Mythology. Demigods. A dyslexic boy on a quest. Wait until you find out who daddy is!

2. Savvy Series. If you haven’t read this yet, you need to drop what you’re doing and read it, now! A beautifully written story about a family of youngsters who discover they have powers, you will fall in love with the poetic style in which Ingrid Law writes. A must-read!
3. Rump: The True Story of Rumpelstiltskin and Jack: The True Story of Jack and the Beanstalk. The retelling of these classic fairytales will keep you glued to the page! With unexpected twists and turns at every bend, you’ll love how the stories intertwine. A 3rd book has been released – called Red: The True Story of Red Riding Hood – and I can’t wait to read it!
4. The False Prince Series. This Scholastic series is set in a fantasy medieval world with orphans and a race to rule the throne. Complete with pirates and battles, this story will interest more than just middle grade boys – be sure to grab all three books so you don’t miss the thrilling end!

5. Holes. I actually read this one after I saw the movie. But that doesn’t change the fact that I couldn’t wrap my brain around how intricately complicated and linked together this plot was! The movie couldn’t even touch a fraction of all that happens in the book. Another must-read!

6. Jotham’s Journey: Storybook for Advent. This set makes up a series of three individual stories that connect and overlap. Each of these faith-based stories are created to read out loud to your children as a devotional, every day during the Advent season. My family has read them together, but there is now a 4th Advent story and an Easter story that are available. A neat experience and way to connect as a family!
7. Ella Enchanted. Do not under any circumstances base this book on the movie! Almost nothing of the book was in the movie, and – as always – the book was much better than the movie! A story about a little girl cursed to be obedient for life, Ella must learn to move past her rebel behavior and find her true place in this world.

8. Gregor the Overlander Series. Long before Suzanne Collins became famous for that other series about The Girl on Fire, she was popular for this series of books. It’s about a little boy who falls beneath the streets of New York, only to discover that he alone can lead a quest to save an entire race of people. I’ve only read the first book but have plans to read the rest!

9. Anne of Green Gables Series. Okay, don’t yell. Yes, this makes most lists, too. But I couldn’t resist giving this series it’s own number. I mean, come on! It’s Anne-girl. ❤ So many beautiful stories, such great characters. There isn’t a situation I face where Anne hasn’t had some sort of parallel. Love that girl. Sigh.

10. Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit, Harry Potter, The Giver, Little House on the Prairie. And yes, here is the ‘dump’ of crazy popular books which I likely don’t need to recommend because everyone in the universe has already read them. Again – couldn’t leave them off the list, though! (*If, by chance, you have never read these, tell no one. Head straight to the library, cancel all appointments and forego supper & laundry for the week. I promise not to tell!! *wink*)