A while ago (a very, very long while ago) I posted about a bigger than big decision our family had come to: our move to Hawaii! Since that time, many of you have asked how plans are going, and more importantly, WHEN it will happen?! Here’s an update on the process and what God is doing in our lives.

It was exactly one year ago that Tim and I felt a peace from God that we were to pack up and move our family to Hawaii. Why Hawaii? Well, we had no idea. Neither of us had ever visited and it definitely wasn’t on our radar to move there. But, in obedience, we chose to continue to pray about it and allow God to lead us where He chose. Fast forward a few months and we made the official announcement to family and friends.
The response was fantastic! Yes, there were a few who were reserved and didn’t hide their worry. But Tim and I could respect where those concerns came from and were overall encouraged by the excitement from those we shared the big news with. But then came the inevitable question…
Yes, when, God? When exactly were we supposed to go? We hadn’t gotten that bit of info from our prayer time, so we did what we thought we had to. We told everyone it would be the end of 2015. Only this wasn’t exactly something God had spoken – it was more an answer to give people. So the end of 2015 came around and… well, nothing. No job. No place to live. Nothing. But, what we did get was a direction from God on when we would actually go. In faith, Tim gave notice to his work that April 29, 2016 would be his last day of work. So, we’re looking to move out of here in early May.
Phew! Now, this isn’t to say that things won’t change. We’re still open to God providing a job sooner, or maybe even pushing our date back. But we do feel a sense of contentment when we reflect on late spring as our exit date.
So, what does this mean? Well, Tim still doesn’t have a job and we don’t have a place to live in HI. From those we’ve spoken with on the islands, we’ve learned that the chances of a company in HI hiring Tim from the east coast is slim to none. It’s just not done. They’re much more likely to hire someone from the west coast, since, well… the distance is a bit different! Therefore, we’ve decided to pack up our stuff and travel across the country to the west coast and remain there for a short time. (We’re thinking anywhere from 2-6 months.) During this time Tim will work a short-term contract job and will continue applying in HI. We’re praying that this gradual transition will make it easier on us as far as shipping, moving, finding a job, finding a place to live, etc.

There you have it! The most up to date info, regarding our Big Fat Hawaiian Adventure! We still don’t have a lot of answers but are trusting God that they will come when the time is right. Thank you to all who have joined us in prayer over this life decision!
Happy reading, friends!