At the end of January, Star Wars fans were treated to a belated Christmas present: We learned the title of Episode VIII! My Facebook and Twitter feeds exploded with all kinds of chatter as the speculation began about who The Last Jedi could be! Did it refer to Luke Skywalker? Possibly, considering the final scene of Episode VII showed the return of the long lost character. Or could The Last Jedi mean Rey, since she discovered her Jedi powers in the last movie?
Just a few days ago, there was renewed interest in the subject with the release of the new international posters. It seems that as Americans, our own language may have kept us from determining the truth: The Last Jedi may not be a single person, after all.
As seen in various articles such as this one, the Star Wars Episode VIII posters featured in other languages show the phrase to be plural, not singular, as we had assumed.
This changes the game entirely! Woo-hoo! *Back flip* I’m super excited about this guys! This could mean a sort of ‘assembling’ of the Jedi. We’ve long been exposed to that lone hero, that single guy or gal who saves the day and wins for the good-side. But in this case, maybe we are about to see something more along the lines of an Avengers-like ensemble–a reference that The Last Jedi may refer to not only Luke and Leia, but also Rey, Finn, whoever! There are so many unknowns of who could hold the secret ‘Jedi gene’ in their blood, since the Jedi have been ‘extinct’ for so many years (in the SW Universe, that is.) I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for an Avenger-type Star Wars! (No disrespect to Han and Chewie. We love you guys!)
What about you? Were you surprised at the announcement over The Last Jedi? What are your thoughts? Feel free to leave them below. I’d love to hear who you think The Last Jedi might be!
(Note to self: The above is plural! Yay!)