Chris rolled his eyes at the selection of flowers in the grocery store. When had the price gone up? He sighed and grabbed a bundle of discounted carnations. Whatever. It was only a blind date.
One self-checkout register was open and a woman headed for it. He sped up and cut her off just in time to make it look like he’d arrived first. Her sour look said she knew his game. He shrugged to himself. He couldn’t be late.
The coffee shop was around the corner. There were plenty of parking spaces open but he wanted one near the door. He hit the gas to snag a spot from another car with it’s blinker on. Was that the woman from the store? Small world.
He raced inside and looked around. No single ladies here yet. What did she look like?
The woman from the store walked in. Chris’ throat closed and his palms went sweaty.
“I’m Lisa.”
He gulped.
She crossed her arms. “I’m your date.”
©Laura L. Zimmerman
Photo credit Unsplash by Clem Onojeghuo