Yesterday I gave an update on my monthly challenge, so today I thought I’d update where I am with my writing. I do realize I still have that ‘Watch Me Write’ section on the sidebar of my blog, promise! But here’s a bit more in depth look at where I stand with my writing.
Orphan Princess – This is the manuscript that has been in my agent’s hands since early 2016. I did just send it out (once again) to another beta reader who caught a few more grammar/spelling errors (ACK!), and a publisher has asked me to do a minor revision to include a theme that aligns with their company before they will read the entire manuscript. The plan is to tackle these things within the next two weeks and see where that leads.

The Prophecy Tails – The idea for this trilogy came to me around Christmastime last year, and I successfully knocked out book one in the series by late February 2016. Book two quickly followed, with that rough draft completed by late spring. I did begin writing book three at the start of our move this summer, but it got waylaid and I haven’t revisited it since. It’s about 25% finished. My goal is to finish that rough draft by participating in NaNoWriMo in November. We shall see if I can get this entire series drafted by the end of the year!! That will mean 2017 will be a year of revision. (*blink, blink*)

Now I Sleep – Okay, this book is a combination of six novellas that were written and self-published in 2014. At the suggestion of my editor, I decided to consolidate the story into one single novel in an effort to focus the plot and eliminate some of the rabbit-trail-sub-plots. The revision has gone well and I expect to put the finishing touches (on this round) by the end of this week. Since this manuscript had already gone through extensive editing, and saw the eyes of a professional editor earlier this year, I expect to do maybe one or two more rounds of editing before it’s ready to seek publication!

So there you have it. Lots and lots of work. But fun work, in my opinion!! These manuscripts are in addition to the column I contribute to once a month at the Almost An Author website, and other guest posts on various websites.
How about you? What are you up to? Do you have any goals set for the remainder of 2016? Feel free to share in the comment section below. I’d love to hear about your journey!
Happy writing, friends!