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  • Writer's pictureLaura L. Zimmerman

this is my blog

here it is! my new website. hopefully i will answer any an all questions you may have regarding mrs. laura l. zimmerman, author 😉 if i don’t, feel free to contact me, letting me know what you’d like to see on this site!

for now, i hope i satisfy you by providing pertinent info on the books i’ve written, upcoming projects and any other tidbits of info you might find interesting. i’ll aim to leave reviews of some recent books i’ve read, since, ya know, i happen to be reading all the time!

if you’re an author visiting my page, please contact me. i love meeting other author’s and learning about what makes them ‘tick’. i hope to interview some fellow author’s on my blog in the near future, so do send me a message, if you would like to be featured!

don’t forget to click on the fun little bobbles at the bottom of the page that will take you to fun links, like my twitter, facebook, and goodreads pages!

​until then, happy reading!

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