The 4th book in the “Now I Sleep” novella series is due out by the end of the month! (No, I haven’t forgotten, those of you that are keeping track.) I often aim to release on a Tuesday, since that is just the norm for book and movie release dates. But there are a few more items I want to tweak to be sure everything is good to go before it hits the virtual world! No worries – it will be out before Aug. 1 😉

For those that haven’t yet begun the journey into the world of Dream Jumping and the Delylah Edward / Sadie Hollander saga, allow me to invite you to check this awesome series out! (Awesome by my standards because, ya know, I wrote them, and all. Hopefully awesome by your standards because you will like them!) The first one is free at Smashwords, Kobo, iBooks, Barnes and Noble and other great online retailers!! It is available at Amazon, but they just aren’t getting on the bandwagon about making it free to you guys. No worries – if you have a Kindle, you can download it through Smashwords and can choose the mobi version to send to your device.
The second and third installments are a bargain .99 cents each, and each of the remaining installments will be priced the same. The sixth and final installment was supposed to be out before summer’s end, but alas, it will be helping to usher in the new school year! Hey – you can’t rush a good story, right? 😉
Anywho, the idea is that I will then edit it one more time and release it in an omnibus of sorts – all the books together in one nice little digital package. So keep an eye out for that one, too. Until then, read them and if you like them, please let your friends know, so others can discover this fun YA sci-fi story about two teens connected between two different worlds. And by all means, if you’ve read them and would recommend them, please leave a comment below so others can hear what you have to say!
Thanks for all your support, friends!!