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Lament Blog Tour Stop #4!

Hey Caffeinated friends! Welcome to Lament Blog Tour Day #4! *squeals* Who’s ready for not one, but two posts?

Today we’re visiting with Laurie Lucking for a sneak peek of Character Spotlights! *clapping* You’ll find that here. Feel free to leave a comment! There’s also an Insta post of Lament with Marie Godsey! You can find her Insta account here. Thank you to both ladies for sharing in Lament’s blog tour! *blows kisses*

Be sure to visit tomorrow for more Lament Blog Tour! Laura A. Grace will be hosting a Guest Post: The Writing Process! You’ll find her blog here. You can also find the stops for the entire tour right here!

Pre-order Lament: Banshee Song Series, Book Two right now! Available in paperback or e-book formats. And don’t miss book one of the series, Keen, available now through Amazon!

Join us tomorrow for more blog tour fun! Thanks for visiting, Caffeinated friends!

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