Tomorrow is the day! National Novel Writing Month 2018 will begin in just a few hours! *cartwheel* The idea behind NaNo is simple–write a 50,000 word novel in one month. I’ll admit, it’s easier said than done!
I’ve done the #CampNaNo multiple times but my only official #NaNoWriMo was in November of 2016. It was hard (so hard!) but I won and proudly waved my banner announcing it to the world. Woo-Hoo!
I won’t have time to commit to the adventure this year, since I’m knee-deep in edits for my current manuscript. But I was inspired to join Bethany Jennings in a miniature version of Nano.
This year I’ll be doing a #FlashWriMo! I’ll be writing a flash fiction story every day in November. My hopes are that I’ll get a few stories that are appropriate for submission for contests or magazines. And of course, you’ll see a few of them right here on the blog!
What about you? Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year? Is this your first or have you taken the challenge before? Leave a comment below!
Happy NaNoing, friends!