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  • Writer's pictureLaura L. Zimmerman

Who’s ready for camp?

Many of you may remember my time at Camp NaNoWriMo back in April and how much fun I had! Well, it was such a great time, I’ve decided to ‘go’ to camp one more time! Camp NaNoWriMo begins another month long session starting July 1 and runs through July 31. Once again, this is a condensed version of the official NaNoWriMo, which takes place in November and requires a word count of 50,000. For the Camp version, you set your own writing goal and get to hang out in a ‘cabin’ with other writers. This is a great place to find encouragement and to bounce ideas off other writers when you hit a snag. I met some really great people last time around and just plain had fun!

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So, who wants in? Check it out here if you’d like some more info. I’m thinking of heading up a cabin if enough people want to join. Feel free to leave a comment below or contact me directly to let me know if you’re interested! Don’t miss out on this super fab opportunity to go to ‘camp’ this summer, and to get a little writing done while you’re at it!

Happy reading, friends!

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